Hi, I’m Nico Hagenburger
I enjoy designing
clean, simple websites,
developing living style guides
& increasing usability.

Document Your CSS/Sass Code With Variables

One of the advantages of using CSS processors like Sass/SCSS/Less/Stylus/… I hear the most in beginner tutorials is the possibility of using variables for colors and metrics. Actually the more “designed” a project gets, the less global color codes can be used. But there is one thing, makes variables even more useful: The code gets readable and documented.


.my-class {
  border: 1px red solid;
  height: 244px;
  padding: 6px;
  width: 368px;

If you change it later, you may forget why you used those magic values and how to adopt them. Try this:

.my-class {
  $border-width: 1px;
  $padding: 6px;
  $height: 256px
  $width: 380px;

  border: $border-width red solid;
  height: $height - 2 * ($padding + $border-width);
  padding: $padding;
  width: $width - 2 * ($padding + $border-width);

Also use local variables to document which values should be the same:

.my-class {
  background: $orange;
  // ...
  a {
    background: $dark-blue;
    color: $orange;

Could be:

.my-class {
  $background: $orange;
  $foreground: $dark-blue;

  background: $background;
  // ...
  a {
    background: $foreground;
    color: $background;